Featured Immigrant Stories

Preserving Personal Narratives

Immigrant Stories helps people tell, share, and preserve personal and family immigration stories. To make your own Immigrant Story, visit immigrantstories.umn.edu. Use this website and create a digital story: a 3-5 minute video made from your own photos, text, and audio.

Netra Parikh

hi my name is Netra Parikh I’m the daughter of two Indian immigrants and I currently live in North Carolina my father likes to joke that I’m not A’s daughter but there’s no ail’s in the family so doesn’t know where I got it from AA is part of the merchant class of ail a lawyer I have been extremely lucky in my upbringing and that my parents immigration and success in the United States has allowed me the freedom to explore who I am and what to be for my parents and their parents and their great grandparents

Oscar Mondragon

Huaraches. Not the Nike shoes or the food, but the  sandals worn by everyone in my family who crossed   the Mexican-American border. The sandals  that carried my family into a new world,   and the sandals that we continue to wear today. My  dad doesn’t talk much about his life in Mexico on   his own but when he does, he always has something  fascinating to say…

Edward Zhang

the Jong family line traces itself 4,500 years back to the yellow emperor of China the emperor’s grandson qu is said to have invented the bow and the character Jung itself is a compound character formed by the characters for bow and a character meaning either to grow long or leader fast forward to 1949 where the Chinese Communist party has taken control of mainland China all landholders were forced to surrender their private property to the government and quickly the rich became the same as the poor except for those in power just…

Alison Royer

my name is Alison Royer I am a man with a name that most Americans would consider to be a female name but in the Caribbean that is not the case I was born on the island of Dominica which is located between the islands of Guadalupe and Martinique and is often confused with the Dominican Republic my parents were both Educators and met at a teacher’s Workshop as the famous African proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child…


Immigration History Research Center

The official YouTube Channel for the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. Updated regularly with digital stories shared with our Immigrant Stories digital storytelling project. To make your own Immigrant Story, visit immigrantstories.umn.edu